Sunday 15 April 2012

Meeting more family and a sad little boy

Today has mostly been a lovely day - the boys have been well behaved and on good form, and we got to introduce them to their Aunty Helen and Uncle Dave and their cousins Jessica and Megan, which they had been really looking forward to.

Unfortunately the day started at 6am with Charlie calling out for a poo, which when our guests last night had forced me to drink wine until 1, wasn't quite so welcome!

We met my sister half way between her house and ours and stuck to our well practiced introduction routine of going out for lunch, which really seems to work well. The boys were very taken with their new relatives which was lovely to see. We went to the park afterwards and they played together, there was a long time where I never thought I would be stood in the park with my sister, both of watching our respective children playing!

The boys fell asleep in the car on the way home which is was always a nice opportunity for G and to have a natter!

At dinner time, we talked to Joe about going to his new school tomorrow. On the surface he's always upbeat and positive about things, and to an outsider you would assume he was taking it all in his stride, but there's normally a trigger point about something unrelated where you get to see what he's really thinking. 

Tonight it was me telling him off about something relatively minor, and he burst into tears like I've not seen him do before. I knew it wasn't about the thing I had just told him off for, and he told me that he was scared about going to his new school tomorrow. It's easy to forget just how much this poor little lad has had to endure in the last five weeks, and tomorrow is going to be a tough day, we're bracing ourselves for the possible outcomes. We talked calmly and we both reassured him that we would be taking him in tomorrow and Papa would be there to collect him, and that his teacher is really lovely and will look after him and will call Papa if there are any problems.

After lights out tonight I walked past his room and noticed his light back on, I went in ready to have a moan but I found him flicking through his photo album of his foster carers. It's all still going on in there.

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