Sunday 15 July 2012

Week 18 - and a special weekend!

Great week this week!! Both kids have done well at school with no morning fuss about going in from Joe. We had our first school report, which whilst pointing out some clear development areas, also was positive and described a loving, caring little boy who is sociable and well liked by his peers.

And this weekend has been all about parties. Yesterday was my work summer work party and the boys absolutely loved it. They spent most of the day on the bouncy castle but also loved playing with lots of other children, most of whom they hadn't met before. They played party games, ate oodles of chocolate and generally speaking had a ball.

They slept on the way home and we carried them in barely awake, and put them straight to bed - that carrying in from the car bit is still one of my favourite times! With the boys in bed, we turned our attention to wrapping presents and decorating the house with balloons and banners, ready for Joe's sixth birthday today.

He woke up at 7.15 (thanks to the Glo Clock which has made a world of difference this week!) and came running to our room where he was overwhelmed by the singing and the presents. Just when he thought he had opened everything, we went downstairs where he found his main present, his very own big boy's bike! Shortly afterwards, Aunty Nikki, Uncle Ian, Aunty Gemma and Uncle Steve arrived for a birthday breakfast and more presents. Laden with the greatest boys presents he could ever hope for, including a bike, a skateboard, a remote control car, a full football strip, football boots and ball, bike helmet, lego, a grown up watch and plenty more besides, he was as happy as could be.

We then headed off for a class picnic at a local park where we've spent the whole day, finally enjoying some much needed sunshine. The boys have loved their day with friends and loved playing games including rounders, tennis, egg and spoon and three legged races.

He had an amazing birthday cake courtesy of Aunty Helen, and both boys could not have been better behaved.

It was interesting seeing how clingy he got when ever the attention turned to him, he doesn't like being centre of attention, but he went to bed tonight saying it was his best birthday ever. And I dare say it really was!

I think G and I have enjoyed it twice as much as him too!!

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